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G9 Defense EHP (External Hollow Point) Demonstration

Writer: Jared SturtevantJared Sturtevant

Demonstration by RSO, Ryan Miller, filmed at Rocky Mountain Range Day presented by Swampfox Optics at Dragonman's Range in Colorado Springs, CO

No firearms sales Video for education or entertainment purposes only; do not attempt.

About G9 EHP The External Hollow Point (EHP)

G9 is a precision made defensive handgun round that it does not require expansion to "work" and not over-penetrate. This is due to the unique and patented shape of the projectile. Rather than expansion, it utilizes its shape to create cavitation by way of fluid dynamics that enlarges entrant and exit holes; uniformly transferring energy to repeatedly penetrate to an optimal depth. The EHP is a truly barrier blind munition. It is precision machined from solid copper and has no possibility of jacket separation not matter what barrier is encountered. It passes through common barriers without transferring energy so there is still a uniform and dynamic effect on the intended target. EHP technology employs light for caliber projectiles. This not only increases the amount of kinetic energy that gets transferred into the terminal target, it significantly reduces felt recoil.

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Ear Pro - EarShield Ranger Electronic Pro: Again, No firearms sales Filmed at a closed range private event, under safe condition, with RSO and Medical staff on staff. Video for entertainment purposes only. Do not attempt.



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